Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Off to the easel

When I started this blog I wanted to post something of interest everyday. But it looks like somedays I'm just going to be a bit light in content. 

Yesterday Hubby and I went to the dentist in Roswell, a 4 hour round trip. While I was there I shipped a painting to a collector. And went to an atique store looking for still life objects while Hubby was In The Chair. When I got home I spent a few hours doing a little research for an upcoming 'Mouse' still life. This is an interesting project that involves other artists. I'll tell you more about that later. Then I worked on my taxes.

Today, I'm back at the easel. I'm working on an 'experomental' piece. Someone suggested I try using black gesso and I'm giving it a try.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Finding Potential Customers. Maybe

Silver City Marshal, oil on canvas

Almost all the followers on my blogs, Twitter, Facebook etc are artists. And while I love my artist friends and find great value in what they have to say, my goal this year is to find more art buyers.

95% of my work is sold through my galleries and I love what they do for me. But I don't sit back and wait for them  to do everything. Especially since most galleries won't share their customer's names

I'm fortunate that most of my art fits into a 'Niche Market' : Western Art. Today I went over to Facebook and found a company that sells high end western decor. I looked at who their friends were and started requesting to be their friends. Now, many will not befriend me, and many will not be interested in buying my art. But my theory is that the more folks that know about me the better my chances are of selling more work. I spent about 45 minutes on facebook  connecting with people and will continue doing this a little bit at a time.

I also paint vintage toys. I belong to a few vintage toy groups on facebook. Other group member would be a good fit for my work.

What kind of art do you do? Where do you think you can find new buyers? Don't wait for them to find you!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weekly updates

Cowboy Girl, oil on canvas 20 x 16

I have my paintings images on several sites: MyArtSpace, Art Wanted, artecomunicarte, artistdaily etc. My goal is not to sell through these sites but just to get my name and images seen by more people.

What works for me is to set aside a time once a week to add one new image (or one older image). I do this every Sunday morning.I've made it a habit so it gets done. All the sites get the same image, all the sites get the same text. And I make sure that my website or blog address is in the description to encourage folks to come see more of my work.

Cowboy Girl get more hits on these sites than any other image. 

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Preparing for Art Show Entry

Over the next few days I'll be looking hard at a few paintings I am planning on sending with an art show application. This is one of the hard things for me. A painting can never be perfect (at least my aren't) But when is it "Good Enough"?

The painting A Gathering of Nations has been sitting in my studio for a few days and I thought I was happy with it. But when I looked at it this morning I asked myself "When I look at the painting, do I want to pick up that small bowl?" The answer is no. That bowl is lifeless. 

So, back to the studio to bring it to life.I'll post picks as I progress.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Stay in Touch

When the Moon Rises, 36 x 30, oil on canvas

Most all of my paintings are sold in Galleries. But on Fridays I send an email showing a painting that is available  directly from me. I let people know that the painting is only available for a limited time. After that time, I send the painting off to a gallery or offer it to a juried show.

Who gets my email? Folks that have subscribed to my blog, customers, galleries, media, anyone I can think of.

And if the painting is purchased by one of my galleries customers I send the gallery a commission.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Welcome to my New Blog

There are many talented artists out there that are wonder How to Make a Living as an Artist or What Does an Artist Do All Day? I've been making my living as an artist for many years.  All artists approach their art and business in their own unique way. Starting tomorrow I will post the highlights of my day to give you an idea of what I do.

The painting shown is We are the Dreamer of Dreams. The reason I picked it for my first image is because I painted it 11 years ago and I still to this day get requests for it.

I would love to hear from you. Let me know what you think